Men, if you feel like you are losing your mojo then maybe it time to check your testosterone level. Aging men will have a predictable decline in the male sex hormone, testosterone, leading to decreased energy and fatigue, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, and loss of sex drive or erectile function. They will also have increasing risk for heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and dementia.


The decline in male hormones is called andropause, with a decline in hormones similar to menopause in women, but it occurs over 10-15 years instead of the few years it takes for menopause. And men can supplement their hormones, just like women. With declining testosterone levels men tend to feel more and more apathetic, with decreasing motivation, security, and confidence. Feeling so blah causes many men to feel anxious or depressed. Insomnia is also common. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is a well- established science and there are hundreds of studies documenting the safety and effectiveness of TRT.

Some of the largest studies, and some over 20 years long, show that men who are low in testosterone have about a 50% increased death rate over the subsequent decade when compared to men with normal testosterone levels.

Testosterone is the predominant male hormone; it is produced in the testes and adrenal glands. Testosterone can convert to dihydrotestosterone (DHT,) the more potent male hormone. DHT produces the male sexual characteristics such as body hair, erections and a deep voice.

Testosterone can also convert to estradiol, which can generate symptoms such as a female body appearance, reduce body hair and a female voice. Because testosterone levels decrease with age, men will experience mental and physical Symptoms of testosterone deficiency over time. There are daily fluctuations in testosterone levels. Some factors that decrease testosterone levels include: intense physical activity, frequent sexual intercourse, emotional stress, and a diet high in concentrated sugars.

Benefits of Testosterone

Schedule an appointment today and let’s see if Testosterone Therapy could be a treatment for you.

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