Stellar Performance Medical is now humbled to offer Clitoxin™
Similar to O-Shot™ Sex problems in women can take several forms. For instance, a woman can suffer pain (dyspareunia), she can have decreased lubrication, which can cause pain and other problems, decreased arousal, and decreased desire. Women can also have trouble with orgasm, either a decrease in intensity or difficulty in having an orgasm. Any one or more of those problems can cause decreased satisfaction. For decades, we as providers have been advised there are 3 FDA-approved modalities to treat sexual dysfunction in women, These are flibanserin, bremelanotide, and topical DHEA. Out of all these, two are psychotropic medications and one is a hormone. Other options include lubrication, fantasy, sex counseling or family counseling, sex toys, and the O-Shot® procedure. Alternate options also include surgery (for phimosis and other pain problems), lasers, radiofrequency, and Kegel exercise machines. To better understand how the Clitoxin™ procedure works one must have a basic understanding of how the autonomic nervous system works. In essence, it works by two different pathways- voluntary and conscious sensation or the second system that tells the heart how to beat or your bowels through peristalsis (bowel movements) as examples. Most importantly, it is in the midbrain that is controlling that autonomic nervous system, and there are nerves corresponding to both parts (somatic and autonomic) of the neurological system.
The great work of Dr Charles Runels’ research has concluded the following:
CLITOXIN™ procedure works by:
- by affecting the autonomic nervous system (activation of the autonomic nervous system)
- by increasing arterial blood flow by relaxing the muscles that control blood flow to the clitoris (Botulin toxin relaxes smooth muscle thus increasing blood flow), and
- by triggering the regeneration of healthier tissues (formation of healthy new blood vessels).
Nothing, including this procedure, works for everyone. Discuss the procedure with your provider & read the consent form which incorporates the possible side effects seen with both Neurotoxin and Viagra (since, in theory, the same side effects could occur with Priapus Toxin™).
WARNING: Treating erectile dysfunction is serious business; only providers trained & licensed by the Cellular Medicine Association® (indicated by their listing on our directory) can legally use the name, Priapus Toxin™, to describe a procedure offered in their office.